The Competitive Advantage of Hiring APAC Talent

July 18, 2024
4 mins read

Employees are a company's greatest asset and play a crucial role in its success. Do you know that according to a report by the Conference Board, "Building a Civil and Just Society" effective talent management is critical for a company's competitive advantage. However, selecting talented employees has become quite costly, particularly in the US and Australian markets.

Therefore, many companies opt for the APAC talent pool, from which they can hire experienced talent at a very reasonable salary. 

Hiring talented individuals from the APAC region has many advantages, some of which are mentioned in this article.

Top 4 Advantages of Hiring Employees from the APAC Region

We are listing a few advantages of recruiting APAC talent:

  1. Top and Affordable Talent 
  2. Diversity in Workplace
  3. Reduced Employee Turnover
  4. Enhanced Productivity and Profit

Top and Affordable Talent

Every organization is looking to recruit highly qualified talent who can be the right fit for their needed roles. According to a report by Mckinsy’s the employees are embracing remote work options, and employers are recognizing its value in securing skilled workers. Hiring the perfect talent could be challenging in this tight labor market, where employers are also worried about costs and high turnover. However, with the help of recruitment agencies, hiring managers can hire the top 1% of APAC talent and even reduce the cost without sacrificing the quality of their candidates. Global recruitment involves accessing a pool of top-tier talent at very affordable salaries. This approach is ideal for businesses seeking to expand with highly qualified professionals. 

Diversity in Workplace

A diverse talent pool enhances creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking in an organization. According to an Indeed and Glassdoor survey in 2022 over 60% of US workers, especially young adults, prioritize DEI in managers, with many willing to leave jobs that lack such commitment. This is because working in an organization that not only values but prioritizes inclusion is very important to them. Moreover, studies by Harvard Business Review consistently show that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones.

Reduced Employee Turnover

Deloitte's 2022 survey warns of continued high turnover among Gen Z and Millennials. To retain these younger workers, companies must prioritize creating a workplace that aligns with their social values. Organizational work culture has a significant impact on employee turnover. Hiring talent from the APAC region allows organizations to foster a diverse workplace culture where all individuals are encouraged to contribute and are recognized and respected. This inclusive environment will enhance employee loyalty, as individuals are more likely to remain with an organization where their contributions are meaningful and appreciated.

Enhanced Productivity and Profit

With an Asia-Pacific (APAC) team, organizations can experience a significant productivity boost and maintain a nearly round-the-clock workflow. Such a team enables companies to operate approximately 16 hours per day, which can significantly enhance productivity and profitability. Additionally, an article on Forbes highlights a study by Cloverpop, a diversity and inclusion consultancy, revealing that diverse teams deliver 60% better results.This translates to a significant productivity gain.

Recruitment is a very hectic process, and sourcing the top talent from the APAC region can be particularly challenging; therefore, Roar Apex is here to help you. We integrate platform-certified marketing and engineering talent into your team, allowing you to save approximately 40% on hiring costs.

Hire Your Top Tier Team Now!